How Do Dentists Diagnose Gum Diseases?

Natalie Morgan / October 14, 2022



Your dentist at Dental Clinics In Houston may grade and classify your periodontitis based on the severity of the condition. The difficulty of the necessary treatments, your risk factors, and your general health.

To assess whether you have periodontitis and how severe it is, your dental experts at Dental Office Houston Texas may:

  • Examine your medical history to find any factors, such as smoking or using medications that cause dry mouth that may be causing your symptoms.
  • Check your mouth for plaque and tartar buildup and any signs of easy bleeding.
  • By putting a dental probe beside the tooth beneath your gumline, typically at multiple locations around your mouth, you can measure the depth of the pocket that forms in the groove between your gums and teeth. The pocket depth in a healthy mouth typically ranges between one and three millimeters (mm), and greater than four mm-deep pockets might be a sign of periodontitis.

What are the common treatment options for gum disease?

Generally, a periodontist or dentist may perform gum disease treatment. Treatment for periodontitis aims to fully clean the pockets around teeth and shield the surrounding bone from deterioration. The highest chance for treatment success is when you establish daily oral hygiene practice, take care of any underlying medical concerns, and give up smoking.

What are the nonsurgical treatments for gum diseases?

Treatment for periodontitis may entail less invasive methods, such as:


During scaling, they remove tartar and bacteria from tooth surfaces and the gum line. They may use tools, a laser, or an ultrasonic device to execute it.

Root planing.

Root planing removes bacterial byproducts that irritate, slow healing, or cause the gums to reattach tooth surfaces while smoothing the root surfaces to prevent further tartar and bacterial buildup.


Dentists may give you antibiotics topically or orally to treat bacterial infections. Topical antibiotics include antibiotic mouthwashes and gels inserted into pockets or the gap between your teeth and gums following extensive cleaning.

What surgical treatments are there for gum diseases?

If your periodontitis advances, there are specific dental procedures such as:

Flap surgery (pocket reduction surgery).

To peel back a part of gum tissue and expose the roots for more efficient scaling and root planing, your dentist makes a series of tiny incisions in your gum. Gum disease frequently results in bone loss; thus, the underlying bone may require contouring before suturing the gum tissue.

Bone grafting.

They may perform the surgery when periodontitis destroys the bone supporting your tooth root. Periodontists may use small pieces of your bone, synthetic bone, or bone from a donation for the graft.

Laser treatment

In contrast to traditional therapies, laser therapy complements them rather than replacing them. According to Laser Dentistry Near Me, in periodontal laser therapy, your periodontist accesses the infected gum tissue from the area surrounding the root of your tooth and removes it using an intense laser beam. Then they clean away the buildup of tartar and plaque accumulated underneath and around your gumline.


We hope the above-provided information will help you learn some beneficial information regarding gum disease treatment or periodontitis treatment. For further important details, please visit